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Cons Comm Minutes 06/21/06
Minutes of Conservation Commission Public Meeting

Date:           June 21, 2006
Time:           4:00 PM

Location:       Wellfleet Senior Center

Commissioners Present:  Co-Chair John DiBlasio, Co-Chair, Ginie Page, Dottie Dolan, Lonni Briggs, Ed Reynolds, Cyndi Moe and Paul Banner.

Staff Present:  Hillary Greenberg, Conservation Agent, Andrew Petty, Assistant Conservation Agent and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Meeting called to order at 4:00 P.M. by Co-Chair Ginie Page

Business Meeting:

Paul Banner moved to approve the June 7, 2006 meeting minutes as amended; seconded by Lonni Briggs; passed 7-0.

Jurisdictional Opinions:  

Sandy Thomas, 75 5th Avenue, removal of two trees.  Cyndi Moe moved  to approve the request; seconded by John DiBlasio; passed 7-0.

Fire Department, Baker’s Field, pour a 5’ x 8’ concrete pad for soda machines.  John DiBlasio moved to approve the request; seconded by Cyndi Moe; passed 7-0.

Agent Greenberg reported the DPW will neither supply nor maintain trash barrels for King Phillip Road and Omaha Beach.  She stated she would purchase them with budget money.

Beach monitoring will take place on July 1 at 08:00 am and on July 28 at 8:00 am.

Ginie Page reported there are chink stones on the beach along Chequessett Neck Road from the  revetments.  

Emily Beebe and Gordon Peabody requested time before the Commission to discuss 1440 Chequessett Neck Road, now owned by Blasch.  The new owner plans to remove the house and construct a new dwelling.  Peabody stated the deconstruction, controlled demoltion, will have minimal impact on the resources.  The house will be taken apart in sections with a crane and materials will be recycled.  Beebe stated the area resembles dunes but it is actually a coastal bank  with a cliff top.  The Commission will need the delineations and Town property lines, as there will be several regulations which will require enforcing.  Beebe requested the Commission do a site visit with her prior to her submitting an application.


·       A letter from Allison Palmer reported vista pruning.  Greenberg stated the ownership could not be identified.
·       Warren Woods forwarded pictures identifying beach erosion on Lt. Island property for the Commissioners review.
·       Jeanne and Glen Morrow of Priscilla Road wrote a letter concerning new construction in the area and their concern with the environment. (not a Conservation issue).

Boriskin, Irmgard, addressStreet101 Commercial Street, Map 21, Parcel 127:  Certificate of Compliance.  A site visit was made.  Greenberg confirmed with Felco the project was complete.  Paul Banner moved to approve the C of C; seconded by John DiBlasio; passed 7-0.

Granville, Robert, 46 Eric’s Way, Map 8, Parcel 67:  RDA, Install fencing in buffer zone.   Mrs. Granville stated the fencing is to protect two dogs and will be made of wire mesh with 2” x 4” openings to provide passageway for habitat.  Plantings will also be placed around the fencing.  Dottie Dolan moved to designate this as a Negative 3; seconded by Cyndi Moe; passed 7-0.
Lovely, Elizabeth, 1484 State Highway, Rte 6, Map 30, Parcel 23: RDA, Upgrade of septic system. A site visit was made.  David LaJoie represented the applicant.  Cyndi Moe moved to designate this as a Negative 3; seconded by Dottie Dolan; passed 7-0.

Tyler, Frederick and Esther, 10 Ione Road, Map 28, Parcel 51: RDA, Upgrade of septic system.  A site visit was made.  David LaJoie represented the applicant.  Dottie Dolan moved to designate this as a Negative 3; seconded by Ed Reynolds; passed 7-0.

Safieh, Wasek and Winifred, 95 Samoset Ave., Map 28, Parcel 111: NOI, wooden walkway and deck constructed within buffer zone to a coastal bank.  A site visit was made.  David LaJoe represented the applicant.  This is an after the fact filing.  The original walkway was destroyed in a storm and rebuilt in the same path.  Cyndi Moe moved to approve the NOI; seconded by Paul Banner; passed 7-0.
Steiner, Thomas, 3 Indian Neck Road, Map 28, Parcel 231: NOI:  Emergency repair of damaged culvert in small dike.  Ginie Page recused herself.  A site visit was made.  Gordon Peabody represented the applicant.  This was an emergency repair which Agent Greenberg authorized.  The work was done by hand.  Peabody suggested additional sand be added after the vegetation dies down in the winter.  Cyndi Moe moved to continue to July 5, 2006 for lack of DEP number; seconded by Dottie Dolan; passed l7-0.
Steiner, Thomas, 3 Indian Neck Road, Map 28, Parcel 231: NOI:  Replace existing deck and add approximately 80 sq. ft to side decking.  Gordon Peabody represented the applicant.  Natural Heritage states there will be no adverse effects.  No DEP number has been received as yet for this application.  Peabody stated the work will be done by hand.  Paul Banner moved to continue to date July 5, 2006; seconded by Cyndi Moe; Passed 7-0.  

Bruno, 55 Seventh St., Map 40, Parcels 143, 175 and 181, NOI, rock revetment (Cont’d from 06/21/06).   The applicant requested a continuation to July 19, 2006.  Ed Reynolds moved to continue the hearing to July 19, 2006; seconded by Dottie Dolan, passed 7-0.

Brimm, Michael & Linda, 160 3rd St, Map 40, Parcel 102:  Request for an Amended Order of Conditions, local bylaw only for DEP SE 77-1001.   Will Joy of Coastal Engineering represented the Brimm’s.  An e-mail was read into the records from Richard Bruggeman, an abutter, expressing concern about the possibility of losing access to the beach.  Discussion took place among the Commissioners about the fact that the requested Amended Order of Conditions no longer includes a stairway.  Agent Greenberg said that nourishment from the 1994 Order of Conditions was never completed and stated she firmly believes it should be enforced by a new condition stating that prior renourishment of the revetment must take place before commencement of the installation of the fiber rolls..  Abutter Garfinkle asked the Commissioners if a statement could be included in the conditions which would allow the stairway be included.  Attorney Don Nagle, representing the Woods, stated the original Order of Conditions in 2003 for SE77-1001 was appealed because the Conservation Commission did not require beach renourishment.   The State’s Order of Condition modified the fiber roll construction and added the beach renourishment of 500 yards.  

Paul Banner moved to approve the Amended Order of Conditions (State Affirmation) with conditions.  Agent Greenberg again requested that the Commission consider the option of an additional condition to ensure compliance with the original order for beach renourishment from 1994 that had never been done.  Ms. Greenberg felt that since compliance was never gained on that order, it would be moot for the Commission to approve a new project that requires further renourishment.  Will Joy stated the current request has nothing to do with the 1994 Order of Conditions and renourishment was not done because the toe stones were not exposed.  DiBlasio stated he would like to see the stairway included in the Order and have renourishment done as it is a part of our bylaw requirements now.  After further discussion, Ed Reynolds seconded the motion with the following conditions:
1.      The Conservation Commission has the authority to inspect and require renourishment.
2.      The Conservation Commission grants permission for the addition of stairs which would require a new NOI filing.  
The final vote was 4-3.

Business Meeting Cont’d

Coastal Engineering will be holding a seminar/workshop on revetments on June 23, 2006.

The Conservation Trust received a donation of .37 acres by Barbara Gray on Drummers Cove.  

The Wellfleet Harbor Conference was announced and will be held in November 2006.

Additional brochures and bulletins were distributed.  

Cyndi Moe moved to adjourn the meeting at time 7:00 pm; seconded by John DiBlasio; passed 7-0.
Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates
Committee Secretary